Kamikochi, located in Matsumoto city, Nagano prefecture, is a mountainous highland valley within Hida Mountains. It's a part of Chubu-Sangaku National Park, and designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and a Special Natural Monument in Japan.
Mount Yake-dake behind Lake Taisho.
Hotaka Mountain Range and Karasawa Cirque behind Lake Taisho
Tashiro Wetland including Tashiro Pond
Boardwalk trails on Tashiro Wetland
Azusa River A lot of Iwana (char) is swimming in clean cold water.
Tashiro Bridge
It's almost on the half way between Taisho Lake and Kappa Bridge, and a branch point of Azusa River Course and Rinkan Course.
Crossing the Tashiro Bridge to head to Azusa River Course
A mandarin duck at the riverside
Along Azusa River, going on the trail of Azusa River Course.
Silvery catkins of pussy willow are sprouting.
Arriving at the Kappa Bridge
End of Kamikochi. return to List of scenic sites visited
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