Nagasaki is the capital and the largest city of Nagasaki prefecture, Kyushu.
Megane-bashi or Spectacles Bridge, the oldest stone arch bridge in Japan, designated as an important cultural property.
Nagasaki Otakusa Matsuri or Nagasaki Hydrangea Festival is held in late May through middle June.
Siebold, a German physician who stayed in Japan in Edo era, introduced Hydrangea to Europe as Otakusa.
Megane-bashi is a bridge over Nakashima River.
Nakashima river only 5 km long has as many as 18 stone bridges.
Megane-bashi is said to be one of the Japan's three famous bridges included Nihon-bashi and Kintai-kyo.
One of the stone bridges over Nakashima River.
Heart Stone, a heart-shaped stone inlaid recently under the construction for flood control.
It's said to be a popular spot where the young wish for love.
Nagasaki Peace Park, a park commemorating the atomic bombing during World War II. Fountain of Peace
Peace Statue, a bronze statue 9.8 m high.
Oura Tenshudo, or the Basilica of the Twenty-six Holly Martyrs of Japan. It's the oldest church in Japan and a national treasure.
Glover Residence in Glover Garden, the oldest western style house surviving in Japan.
This stone statue in Glover Residence is said to be the origin of the Kirin beer label design.
Western Cuisine 150 years ago reproduced based on the menu at that time.
Former Mitsubishi second dock house in Glover Garden It was an accommodation for seafarers to stay.
View from the 2nd-floor terrace of the former Mitsubishi second dock house.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nagasaki Shipbuilding and Mt.Inasa 333m high can be seen on the other side of the strait.
The statue of Tamaki Miura, a primadonna who sang the opera 'Madama Butterfly'. The relief on the wall is Puccini.

Former Ringer House, designated as an important cultural property in Japan.
It's the former residence of Frederic Ringer, a British merchant who joined in Glover & Co. and later founded Holme Ringer & Co.
Dejima, ruins of Dutch Trading Post. Nakashima River in front of it.
Front gate of Dejima
Garden in Dejima
Kapitan Room Kapitan is the chief official of the Dutch trading post.
Restored the Kapitan's life at that time
Oranda-zaka, or Dutch slope
End of Nagasaki City. return to List of scenic sites visited
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